Gatto & Partners
Business legal consulting

“The law must be short, so that the inexperienced person can easily understand it.”
- Lucio Anneo Seneca
“With bad laws and good officials, one can still govern. But with bad officials, good laws are useless.”
- Otto Von Bismarck
“If we want the law to be respected, we must first make respectable laws.”
- Louis Dembitz Brandeis

Welcome from

Gatto & Partners

The studio founded by the lawyer Paolo Gatto, with offices in Como, Campione d’Italia and Milan, offers a complete range of services and legal advice at an international level, operating in Italy and abroad in various areas of out-of-court and judicial activities. and offers assistance in all the main areas of law, through a capillary network of its own offices and correspondents, which ensure a wide and effective assistance to our customers.


At the studio

Using a large team of experienced professionals in all major legal disciplines, together with consolidated relationships with other renowned firms and professionals specialized in other sectors of law and economics, the Gatto & Partners Business Legal Consulting Firm is able to offer its Customers effective assistance in all phases of the legal process, also carrying out a preventive consultancy activity aimed at avoiding possible criticalities deriving from the increasingly rapid change of the reference regulatory frameworks.



Civil right

We guide clients in private property, leasing, trading, litigation and accident matters.

Criminal law

We advise the client (be it victim or accused) in cases of crimes against the person.

Activities for Italians abroad

Cadastral and conservatory searches, notifications of succession, land registry, APE energy performance certificate, property appraisals and certification of conformity of real estate units

Cause of death

Settlement of succession matters, succession law, testamentary and legitimate succession, succession agreements, post COVID-19 succession

International law

We assist national and international clients to orient themselves in Italian law and defend their interests.

Commercial law

Our services are designed for small to medium-sized companies that require direct and personal assistance.

Judicial assistance

We help our customers to assert their rights against third parties and to protect them when called for trial

Extrajudicial assistance

Out-of-court activity is of fundamental importance as a first approach to solving any type of problem.

Taxes for Campione D'Italia

We guide our customers in these difficult fields. The matter is new and we are in step with the times.